Data Beers is an open community spread all over the main cities in the world.

Our mission is to create the opportunity for professionals, students and other Data Lovers to meet each other in an informal setting and exchange ideas or opinions and have a chat while enjoying a beer together.

We love to see geeks, enthusiasts, and professionals, share their data stories about what they have found in a specific data set, how they have tested a new API, how they solved a problem using data, what their amazing data solution can do, or whatever else they have experienced using data

The next event will be held the last week of November at aperitif time. The location will be announced soon, as well as the exact date and time. The tentative program is the following

  • 18.30: attendant check-in opens
  • 19.00: Welcome from organizers and talks (more details will follow)
  • 20.00: Networking and Chatting

If you are interested please register here.

And if you like to share your story… let’s discuss at hello [ \at]

See you at the next DataBeers!

Categorie: DataBeers